High Plains Observer (2024)

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702 Barkley

High Plains Observer Yard of the Week

Celebrating pretty little yards all summer long!

Gruver FFA--photo courtesy Kimberly Longoria

to read about the convention click (more)

High Plains Observer (4)

Brant Fuller is the son of Kelly and Johnnie Fuller and grandson of Charles and Joanne Eaton

High Plains Observer (5)

Urethane, also known as polyurethane, is a chemical group of resins that are made from three main ingredients: polyols, isocyanates, and chain extenders. Other materials can be added to help process the polymer or change its properties. For you chemists, the formula is below.

High Plains Observer (6)

While multiple people are credited with inventing polyurethane, Dr. Otto Bayer, a 1937 German industrial chemist is known as the "Father of Polyurethane".

This formula touches Spearman when 1948 SHS graduate Bill Davis obtains his Ph.D. in chemistry from Oklahoma State University at Stillwater in 1960. Dr. Davis goes on to become the founder and owner of Texas Urethane which was an Austin based insulation company.

Dr. Davis contended that his formula was unique because of the number of ingredients in the "B" component (nine) and because two of the ingredients, ethylene glycol and fluorocarbon 113, are very rarely used.---(source Google)

In the summer of 2024, the Been family broke ground on their new home build, selecting former Gruverite, Mark Gilbreath (managing member at Caprock Building Systems) and Jordan Duggan, and Dillon Smith, builders at Caprock Design + Build.

High Plains Observer (7)

One of the products used now as an industry standard is polyurethane insulation....by the way, Dr. Bill Davis is the great uncle of Mattie (Davis) Been, and husband Cody has a chemistry degree from OSU.

As the construction has moved forward, another tie to Spearman is Brant Fuller.

Brant is owner of Eco Thermic Sprayfoam Insulation LLC and his crew spend two days insulating the Been home. Fuller is the son of Johnnie (Eaton) and Kelly Fuller and the grandson of Joanne and the late Charles Eaton.

High Plains Observer (8)

Most building codes define an air barrier material as one the has an air leakage rate below 0.02 liters/sec-m2 @5 PA

Fuller told the HPO that the last home he insulated for Duggan registered at .87 in their "blower door test." An airtight and well insulated building is a key factor in today's zero energy criteria, and Fuller is obviously quite excellent at his craft. Fuller further says a typical score is 1.5 to 2 which also indicates the building quality of Duggan.

In the early 1960's, Dr. Davis's compound was mostly used for boats as climate change was of little concern at that time. However, in today's world in today's builds, Fuller's application is by far the best of the best in sealing constructions.

The long story and the short story has come full circle in 2024, as generations of chemists, builders, contractors, high-definition products and homeowners building their dream house, would all meet up on Barkley Street.

Housing demand continues to outpace supply in Hansford County, but local experts are optimistic for future growth. The American dream of being a homeowner or business owner remains constant, and industry leaders such as these are ready to provide their expertise for any and all of the projects you may have.

High Plains Observer (9)

Photos by Roxie Ralston

By Holly Whitaker, Ph.D.

Local Student Brings Water Awareness to Museum Exhibit

Texie Ralston, a student at Gruver High School and a Texas 4-H Water Ambassador, is making waves with her contributions to a new exhibit at our local history museum. The exhibit, which opened this week, aims to educate museum-goers on the importance of water conservation and the unique water resources that sustain our community.

Texie, who has undergone extensive training through the Texas 4-H Water Ambassadors program, researched and developed informative write-ups on key topics such as the Ogallala Aquifer, playa lakes, the water table, and the water cycle. Her dedication to water education is evident in the detailed 3D representation of the Palo Duro Creek watershed, a highlight of the exhibit.

David Smith, the state coordinator of the Texas 4-H Water Ambassadors program, emphasized the significance of the initiative: “The Texas 4-H Water Ambassadors program is designed to equip young leaders with the knowledge and skills necessary to address critical water issues." These ambassadors, like Texie, are essential in spreading awareness and fostering stewardship of our water resources.

The Stationmaster's House Museum in Spearman has always showcased the unique aspects of our area, and water is undoubtedly our most crucial natural resource. The new exhibit illuminates the science behind our water systems and connects our history to future conservation efforts. By understanding the past, we can make informed decisions that ensure a vibrant economy and culture for generations to come.

Community members interested in visiting the exhibit can reach out to the museum at info@smh.org to schedule a time. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from Texie Ralston’s insightful presentations and gain a deeper appreciation for the water resources that sustain and enrich our way of life.

For more information on the Texas 4-H Water Ambassadors program, visit [Texas 4-H Water Ambassadors](https://www.texas4hwaterambassadors.com/) or [AgriLife Today](https://agrilifetoday.tamu.edu/).

2025 will be the 50th anniversary of the Stationmaster's House Museum

By Cindy Barkley, Sergeant Texas Department of Public SafetycSafety Education / Media

Jimmy Snider of Spearman and wife Jean were involved in a motorcycle accident that claimed the life of Jimmy and seriously injured his wife Jean.

Prayers to the family

To read official Department of Public Safety Report click (more)

High Plains Observer (11)
High Plains Observer (12)

Stationmaster's House Museum hosted an

Open House and Ice Cream Social


The Zulu Stockade

Friday July 5

6-9 PM

tip jars chose the most delicious ice cream and Karl Bynum was the winner!

High Plains Observer (13)

Congratulations to Karl Bynum, winner of the 2024 Museum Ice Cream Social Best Ice Cream. He rocked out the Best Rocky Road!

Thank you to everyone who brought ice cream, attended and voted!

High Plains Observer (14)

The Texas GOP has a new chairman in Abraham George. He recently joined KXDJ’s Bill Bob Thrash to share a little bit about himself and why he decided to take on the job.

“This has been a challenging run, but I’ll tell you the truth, there’s a reason for it. We are a crossroads in our country, especially in the state of Texas. We have a Republican House, Republican Senate and the Governor’s mansion but we still have an issue with getting Republican, conservative priorities done. That was my entire platform when I ran. “Why can’t we get our priorities done?” A lot of it has to do with the Democrats being committee chairs, and the Democrats electing the Speaker of the House,” Chairman George told Thrash.

Click here to listen to more.

He added, “I love the American dream. It matters. We are fighting to keep that alive. Texas is the beacon of that whole American dream. We have to fight to protect Texas.”

High Plains Observer (15)

Photos courtesy of Hansford Abstract Company

Since the beginning of the development of Hansford County in 1874 and the City of Spearman in 1921, leaders have stepped forward with a bold plan of action to build and grow. This mind set has continued over the years and is still in the minds of our leaders today.

Effective leaders are not against things, they are for things

High Plains Observer (16)

Survey and abstract circa 1874---courtesy Hansford Abstract Company

What originally began as a mound of dirt on the High Plains of the Texas Panhandle, has over the years grown into a thriving county with visionary leadership that is solid enough to move forward under often times, not the best and easiest of circ*mstances. Weather, population fluctuation and technology have all played a role in where we find ourselves today.


H.E. James

G.I. Roland

R.L. McClellan

George H. Whitson

Fred F. Hoskins

W.D. Cooke

E.C. Womble

C.A. Gibner

Bruce H. Sheets

R.E. Vaughn

Dr. D.E. Hackley
Coy Palmer

C. Ralph Blodgett

Bob Pearson

Burl Buchanan
Steve Benton
Brian Gillispie

Tobe Shields

Each mayor has been the mastermind behind many things that have been accomplished over the years. Not everyone agrees with the vision these men have been bold enough to put forth in their tenure....golf courses, airports, swimming pools, city streets, new water towers, neighborhood development, annexation and the list continues. With the help of their motivated and diverse council, the city has settled into a place that continues to attract business and population.

Current Mayor Tobe Shields recently commended his council's decision to annex of approximately 10 acres into the City of Spearman city limits.

"It's not very often that a city our size is faced with the opportunity for expansion and growing the city footprint," said Mayor Shields.

High Plains Observer (17)

This map shows a city with neighborhoods long before there were even paved streets and city services, but the plan was put forth and the city looks much like it was drawn out to be from the beginning


F.C. Sumrall

Leo Dacus

Lenis Simpson

Jim Murray

Kelvin Knauff

Robert Patrick

Ed Hansen
Suzanne Bellsnyder
Wade Willson

Justin Parker

The city managers are the face of the council and one of the most important in the line of putting forth the plan of action. The job is not always an easy one.

There is no doubt that from the beginning and in the future, city taxes will go toward

  • Infrastructure
  • City Services
  • Quality of Life

Current City Manager Justin Parker said, " My core personal philosophy is that local (keyword) government taxes are necessary to provide for basic services as well as the survival and safety of the citizens served by said government entity. Those services being ones that aren't available through the private sector for whatever reason. At the point those core needs of governance, safety and services are met, then tax revenue should be focused on growth, development and quality of life, not necessarily in that order."

High Plains Observer (18)

Hansford Abstract 1905

Mary Lou Wysong
Cora Queener
Cindy Shipman
Gina Gillispie
Keith Hight

Macy Baker

Cayla Maestes

Tex Kopke

Bonnie Thompson

Alongside the elected officials and city employees, the local Chamber of Commerce plays a key role in the enthusiasm and core work in attracting, retaining and growing a business climate that encourages families to relocate or stay. Quality of life is certainly one of most important factors in a community as most take for granted the services provided as a taxpayer.

Current EDC/Chamber Director Bonnie Thompson says she is always working on attracting new business and helping to promote existing businesses with a long-and short-term plan. Her vision of an attractive community is evidenced in our charming and quaint town that people want to live and visit.

High Plains Observer (19)

As the county and cities within it continue to maintain and grow, it is up to each citizen to realize that you are "the most important" aspect to the community you live in. There are so many ways to be positively involved and your voice is always important to be heard!

Spearman Hansford County is under construction, it always has been, and it always will be

High Plains Observer (20)

Photo by Ernie Bowen

Barn fire on HWY 15 near Spearman June 29--no injuries reported

Photos by Ernie BowenHERE

High Plains Observer (21)
High Plains Observer (22)

Photos by Local Photographer

High Plains Observer (23)


Angie and Lubbock friend Christine

Over the weekend, local runner Angie Sonnenberg participated in a 20-mile marathon called the Summer Solstice Endurance Run held in Abilene.

"I just love all kinds of running events, being with other runners, and doing things that push myself physically and mentally! The Summer Solstice run is fun because it’s different. It’s run at night on a one-mile loop. You run as much as you can or want during the time period you sign up for. I did the 3-hour event, but they also had a 6-hour event and a 5-mile run," said Angie.

After a 2020 knee injury, Sonnenberg feared she would never be able to run again. When surgery was not recommended, she discovered a new way to work out.

Angie started weightlifting, riding a Peloton bike, and walking. A year and a half later she started slowly adding some running back and has been building up since then.

"Saturday night I ran (with walk breaks) a total of 15 miles which is definitely my longest run since before my injury in 2020! While I wasn’t exactly trained very well for this event, I do run or walk every day and weight train a couple days a week," continued Angie.

She did this same three hour run in 2015 and ran 20 miles. She has run three marathons and 52 half marathons.

Angie leads the Tuesday night group runs called Kids RUN Spearman, which welcomes all runners who are interested.

"We’ve had a good amount of people showing up but as more people start running in our area, I’d love to have even more!"

To read more about the Annual Summer Solstice Endurance Run held at the Red Bud Park in Abilene, click (more)

High Plains Observer (25)

Submitted by Bret Burgin

The Hansford County 4H livestock judging team competed at the state competition on the campus of Texas A&M University June 5. The top 14% of the counties in Texas qualify for the State Contest via 12 district contests.

Out of those that qualified, Hansford ended up as the 7th place team in swine and 20th place team overall. The team members competing for Hansford County were Kip Pittman, Spencer Aborn, Kinley Shieldknight, and Alayna Schneider. Aubree Sharp and Mallary Allen travelled with the team as alternates.

The kids got a ton of experience on the workout trip down to the contest and hopefully this will pay off in the future.

The team members and coaches will now start building for next year’s team with several of the 4H members participating in summer camps and contests.

High Plains Observer (26)

Gus Gaillard of Morse, a sophom*ore at Tarleton State University, finished the College National Finals Rodeo last week as the Champion Saddle Bronc Rider.

Gus placed in all fourgo rounds, finishing first place in the second go round and short go round to end the week at the top spot.

Tarleton’s Men'steam, coached by Spearman native, Mark Eakin, finished the week as the Men’s Team Champions as well. The Men’s team members included Gaillard, Ira Dickinson (Wyoming,Reserve Champion Saddle Bronc Rider), Bailey Small (California), Landris White (Texas)Roedy Farrell (Wyoming), and Mason Spain (Texas).

This is Tarleton’s 5th Men’s Championship in school history.

Tarleton’s Women’s Team finished as Reserve National Champions as well.


On Tuesday, June 18, at public hearing took place at the Spearman City Hall at 7 a.m.

The hearing was for the purpose of the proposed annexation of 10.344 acres of land, more or less, into the corporate city limits of the City of Spearman.

After citizen comments a motion was made and seconded with majority rule to pass the motion.

Motion: Adopt Ordinance No. 967, an ordinance of the City of Spearman, Texas Annexing 10.344 acres of land, more or less, located in Hansford County into the corporate city limits of the city, at the request of the property owners; approving an agreement for the provision of services for the annexed area; making findings of fact; providing a severability clause and an effective date; and providing for open meetings and other related matters; giving City Manager Parker ability to create a contract with current property owner. Diamond G Irrigation is not included in this annexation.

City Manager Parker explained the next step(s) will be to:
*Create a description of possible uses for the land, i.e., Commercial, Agriculture, Light Industrial or Residential
*Set meetings with current Planning and Zoning Board to zone land for future project(s)
*Set meetings with Spearman EDC to discuss/collaborate on project(s)

After the hearing Mayor Tobe Shields told the High Plains Observer, "’Im excited about the council’s decision this morning approving this ordinance and adoption of this annexation of this land into the city limits. This will allow us to provide utilities to this new business, but also, the potential of new business opportunities will be available. We always welcome new businesses or current business expansions for our community. It’s not very often that a city our size is faced with these kind of decisions on annexations and growing our city limits footprint so sometimes it can raise concerns or seem overwhelming but I have to commend this council for considering this and having a vision for growth and opportunities for our community and it also lets businesses know that we're open for business. We look forward to this partnership with this business’s investment in our community."

to see original information click (more)

High Plains Observer (28)

A colorful mural is being painted at the El Mariachi Restaurant

Owners of the El Mariachi Restaurant, Ruth and Freddy Romero, are local business entrepreneurs who are making a difference in the community of Spearman.

On Tuesday June 11, Ruth made a presentation to the Spearman EDC board for a facade grant to improve the awning of their business located in the Plains Shopping Center.

High Plains Observer (29)

They have also hired Perryton mural artist Mario Enriquez to spice up the front of the restaurant with a colorful and fun flavor to match their delicious menu.

High Plains Observer (30)

Mario will take about four days for this art and there are possible plans to include the ice cream shop around the corner for an attractive sign as well.

High Plains Observer (31)

Just recently the El Mariachi erected a new sign on the highway at the entrance to the restaurant.

Ruth said, "we want to do our part in making Spearman a great place to live and do business."

The Romeros also encourage local businesses to take advantage of the programs Spearman EDC have to offer.

High Plains Observer (32)

Photo via Facebook

In a recent City Council meeting electric scooter safety concerns were voiced.

In less than a month city officials, together with Kids Kamp, created a session to educate our local kids on how to become a safer biker.

Bike/Scooter Safety Class Kids Kamp 2024 had a full session of over 80 kids who attended and learned.

"Wow!! We had a full camp for this session… We now have 80+ kids who went through safety courses with our wonderful EMT’s and City Cops!!

THANK YOU so much for dedicating your time to make our youth safer!!!! HCH EMS!" --- KIDS KAMP

This is an example of a genuine concern for our children being quickly addressed. A willingness to offer education in a fun atmosphere with collaborative leadership is just one reason why Hansford County is such a great place to live!

High Plains Observer (33)

Ruben on the Road in Spearman where he learns how the Hansford County 4-H Rifle Team started competing after a 45-year hiatus.

High Plains Observer (34)

On May 23, 2024, Republicans from across the state arrived in San Antonio for the largest political gathering of the year---Texas GOP's 2024 Convention.

Thousands of passionate and dedicated Texans and elected officials were in attendance to make sure their voices were heard, and in some cases, the mood of the convention was on the verge of a good ol' Texas showdown.

Hansford and Hutchinson Counties were the only counties represented north of Amarillo---thanks to Hansford County Republican Chairman, Gyene Spivey, who made it her mission for delegates to appear and to appear in style.

Precinct Chair 1, Donita Lusby, had matching Hansford County shirts made for the occasion and in a sea of red, white and blue, Hansford County did stand out and many noticed and commented.

Conservative Grass Roots was the theme of the convention and as the week played out, it was very apparent how critical a role local representatives play in state and even national politics.

The event began and ended with appearances from the top of the party---including Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, Attorney General Ken Paxton, Comptroller Glenn Hegar, Senator Ted Cruz and our own District 31 Senator Kevin Sparks.

The week was full of events, speakers, lunch and learns, breakout sessions and CD and SD caucus votes.

The Hansford County delegates divided up with each attending sessions, coming back to report on what they learned.

The candidates (by district) are required to garner support in advance of the elections. Next the nomination committee recommends, finally, with the vote of the full body of delegates, our state is represented at the National Convention which will be held in Milwaukee, June 15-18.

Ultimately the group of delegates elected Abraham George as the Texas Republican Chairman.

For our area those elected were:
D'rinda Randall Vice Chair
Brandon Hughes
Tisha Crow

With a $2.4 trillion GDP, Texas has the 2nd largest economy in the USA and 8th largest in the world. Houston, Dallas and Austin lead the way in financial health and wealth, making the state one of the most important in the entire country in political significance. While Texas dollars are important, it's the strong conservative values that are the backbone of the current election to be held in November.

Protect our elections
Secure the border and protect Texans
Ban gender modification of children
Stop sexualizing Texas kids
Ban Democrat chairs
Abolish abortion in Texas
Defend our gun rights

Hansford County Republican Chairman Gyene Spivey---"John Adams when asked why he kept serving the nation after his presidency and was being met with opposition from the congress on his stance against slavery, said I must do my duty and the results belong to God."

In Hegar's closing remarks he said this---"if you're going to be a Texan, then act like a Texan!"

High Plains Observer (35)

My name is Jonathan Michael Olvera but most people call me Mike.

I am originally from the small town of Bovina Tx. I am into a lot of hobbies such as golf, motorcross, fishing, working out, anything to keep me busy.

I worked at the local grain elevator for 10 years before I decided to make a career change. I began my journey as a labor hand for the City of Bovina from mowing the lawn to being animal control. I was fascinated with water, so I pursued getting licensed in the water department. I always found that education was a factor in this job.

I started to advance myself in grasping licenses. I had a boss that would do what he could to help me advance. I owe a lot to him in the ways of teaching me city government and policy in city government. I worked at Dalhart for the last five years as the Waste/Water Department Supervisor. The job was challenging but I was always up for a challenge. I met some good people that I won't forget, loved working for that city!

I am a firm believer that all who work for a city there should be one common goal and that is always the best interest of the city. As I am here, the City of Spearman is what I work for and the citizens of this great town.

"I'm so ready to get after it and do whatever I can to make this city stand out the best way I can," says Mike.

My job as the Public Works Director is to make sure we are in compliance with all governmental agencies that regulate us; to keep the city moving in all utilities and benefit the great citizens of this town.

"I am ready to tackle all that comes my way to help do whatever I can to ensure we move in a direction that see this great town of Spearman thrive for the future of itself and its wonderful citizens."

High Plains Observer (36)

At the May 21 City Council meeting, electric scooters were the topic of discussion in the citizen's comments.

All in attendance agree that the "kids" that are riding the scooters are creating a dangerous situation to both them and drivers of vehicles as they ride in the streets and dash in and out of driveways and alley ways.

Police Chief Ortiz explained that the drivers of the scooters must follow all roadway rules as do those who are riding a bicycle---obeying all traffic signs and signals, etc. He also said that riders can be going as fast as 23 MPH and therefore helmets and other safety gear is highly recommended.

Spearman Fire Chief Heckman added that the batteries are very expensive, and it is understandable to replace them with batteries not intended for that use and the voltage/heat can become quite high and create a hazard this way as well.

Assistant City Secretary Dana Sharp noted that there will be a bicycle safety event early this summer and it was agreed that including scooter safety would be prudent for both adults and children since they have become quite trendy.

Hansford EMT is sponsoring a free bicycle safety day at Kids Kamp June 6 at the O'lougliin Center for ages 5-12 from 10-noon. Scooter safety will be included.

In the meantime, all are encouraged to watch out for our littles as they are fresh out of school and enjoying our pleasant summer days! And a message to the "big littles" please don't speed on our streets and take extra care to watch out for the cyclists!

Spearman City Manager Justin Parker with outgoing councilwoman Jackie Pearson--Jackie has served the city in her position for 2 and 1/2 years, after taking the place of Tim Cooper. Thank you Jackie for your service to our community!

On Tuesday, May 21, 2024, the Spearman City Council met at 7 AM at the Spearman City Hall.

On the agenda was the swearing in of the newly elected and re-elected council members and mayor.

High Plains Observer (38)

Dana Sharp administers the oath of office to re-elected councilman Don Schroeder and Mayor Tobe Shields. New council member Mark Murray will serve his first term as alderman after being elected May 4. Municipal Judge Gary Ellsworth also takes his oath of office

High Plains Observer (39)

Newly hired Public Works Director Michael Olvera comes to us from Bovina and most recently Dalhart. The HPO will have a profile on him soon. Welcome to Spearman Michael!

Other elections/appointments are as follows:

Mayor Pro Tempore Roger Buchanan

Spearman EDC Board Brian Gillispie

Planning and Zoning Commission Kelly Jack

Electrical Board James Dettmer

Zoning Board of Adjustment Mike Pearson

Airport Advisory Board Jody Wood

To see full City of Spearman board members click (more)

High Plains Observer (2024)
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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.