The Tribune from Scranton, Pennsylvania (2024)

12 THE SCRANTON REPUBLICAN. SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1919 Now For a Tremendous Saturday Sale of New Spring Suits For Men and Young Men Al $16.50 Talking about making a home run with the bases full -that sure is the kind of a hit we are going to make with this powerful Saturday sale. In this big $16.50 showing you will find models for men of all ages and all buildswaistline styles, single breasted styles and double breasted styles. They're made of worsteds, cheviots, English tweeds and other fabrics that men have their eyes set on buying this season -as well as a goodly sprinkling of dependable navy, serges. We are mighty proud of what we have in store for you Today- we want you to understand that you are asked to pick from suits that were made to sell at far more than $16.50.

So come around and see what this in town at new kind of a store is doing Todaythat is, if you want the best suit value 6:50 Get a Straw Hat, Too By all means do not attempt to go over the week-end without a straw hat-it's straw hat time by the -by the weatherand by the assortment we now have ready for you. Straw Hats, $2 to $5. Panamas, $6 and $7. Toyo Panamas, $4. HOWELL Lackawanna on foreign battlefields, that they shall not have died in vain, that not only this nation but this world shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall never from the earth." Leading the councils of the county in the number of candidates proposed last night was Carbondale with 222 en rolled, the others reporting as follows: Blakely, 192; West Scranton, 189; Taylor.

156; Providence, 101; South Side, 87; Jermyn, 82; Central City, 61; Dun- more, 54: Green Ridge, 28; Dalton, 61; Fieetville, 17; Ransom, 12; Archbald, 12. Prizes for Individual work in secur- EN and women buy food and clothing, the where they can get best quality for the least money-likewise, men look to GOODYEAR for the best workmanship, best material and most reasonable prices--they come here to save money on the best possible Shoe Repair work. All Rubber Heels 40c -not one penny more GOOD Bell YEAR. 500 Shoe Repairing Co. 120 Washington Avenue FRANK MOrTITT.

I Manager PITTSTON NEWS Bell 'Phone 721. Office: Room 22, Cash Store Block, Main Street. ARMY ATTACKS CITY ON MONDAY Captain James F. 0'Boyle, Chairman of the Drive Here, Predicts Success. PITTSTON.

May The drive for $75,000 in Luzerne county for the home service of the Salvation Army. will begin Monday morning next end Monday, May 26. P. G. Rimmer.

who he in charge of the drive in zerne county, has appointed Captain James F. O' Boyle as chairman of the district. that in his opinion the campaign for Picaptain O'Boyle atated thim evening funds for the Salvation Army should not be small by any means the work of the Salvation Army France during the taken Into consid. eration. He has appointed the following men of this district on executive mittee.

They Are: William L. Watson, Myer Schlosser, G. B. Thompson, Joseph H. Glennon, J.

A. Joyce. Rev. S. E.

Neikirk, John H. Foy, C. C. Bow. man, W.

H. McMillan, W. J. Kilgallon, W. J.

Peck, Tallie Evans, M. W. O' Boyle, K. J. Ross, P.

F. Joyce, Leo Reap, Thomas Pauxtis ent R. A. Mulhall. The general soliciting committee who had charge of the previous drives in this city, will again be asked to take up the work for the Salvation Army drive.

The Knights of Columbus have offered the use of their hall for the meetings of the campaign workers during the drive. DONAHUE OBSEQUIES LARGELY ATTENDED The funeral of Arthur, the twelverear- Donahue, son of 145 Mr. and Mrs. street. John P.

of Cornelia was held this morning from the home. A requiem high mass was sung In. St. Mary's church, Upper Pittston. by Rev.

George Dixon, Interment was made in St. John's cemetery. Mine Institute. Final arrangements have been made for the annual meeting of the Pittston District Mine Institute which will be held in the State Armory on South Main street Saturday evening. Hon.

John M. Garman will act chairman. Colonel Asher Miner, of the 109th Field Artillery, of Wilkes- Barre, trict Attorney Frank P. Slattery and First Lt. Joseph P.

Burke, of the 102nd Infantry, of the Yankee Division, will be the speakers of the evening. Rev. R. D. Jordan, pastor of St.

Cecilia's at Wyoming will give benediction. Hartford-Ramage Nuptials. A very pretty nuptial event took place in the parsonage of St. Peter's Lutheran church in West Pittston on Wednesday evening, when Miss Mable Hartford, of West Pittston, and Jesse Rammage. of Finley street Hughestown were united in marriage by Rev.

E. R. Deibert. Mr. Ramage received an honorable discharge from the U.

S. army two weeks serpent Camp Upton, N. where he eighteen months. Mine Worker Injured. Dominic Arrone, of 119 South Main street, sustained a badly crushed foot, the result having the member caught between mine cars while at work in the mine of No.

14 colliery. Tompkins Puneral. The funeral of Emmanuel Tompkins, 144 Searle street, will be held from the family home Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Services will be held at the home and interment will be In Marcy cemetery. will greatly increase the supply of water for Carbondale.

IRON FENCES for every purpose. Send for catalog. Ross P. O. Box 44, Scranton.

Adv Sunday Churen Services Berean Baptist--Rev. Warren L. Steeves, minister--Morning service, 10:30 a. subject, "The Deeper Reservoirs of Christian Experlence." Bible school at noon: Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p. evening service, subject.

Ingredients of strong Manhood." The Knights of Pythias will attend this service in a body. Berean male quartet will furnish the music. First Presbyterian- Charles Lee, pastor--The morning service will be special one for the young church members wth an object lesson. Sermon, "The Best Bond Issue;" Sunday dual hour. theme, Men's classes and Indeavor docietion: Challenge of Special music.

There will be a class for candidates for church membership in the lecture room at three o'clock. Trinity Episcopal Fourth Sunday after Easter, Rev. E. G. N.

Holmes, rector-8 a. Holy Communion; 10:30 morning prayer with sermon; 12 Sunday school: 7:30 p. ing First prayer with Congregational sermon. Rev. Pierce, pastor-Al1 services at usual hours, the pastor will preach at both the morning and evening services.

We feature dancing tonight at our ice cream parlor. Scriven's, -Adv. Flannery Funeral, The funeral of Patrick Flannery WAS held from the home of his brother. James, on Rogers street. this morning at 9:30 o'clock.

A requiem mass celebrated in St. Rose church by Rev. M. A. Gilloegly.

Interment was made In St. Rose cemetery. The following were pall-bearers: Richard Martin, Fred Siedler, B. F. Larkin, James Conmy.

Malachi and Michael Mannion. Foolan Killed Action. Daniel Toonian, of the south side. received telegram from the war department this morning stating that his son, Daniel, who was previously reported AS having died from disease In France, was killed in action. Death of Mrs.

Lathrop. The death occurred this morning 6:30 of Mrs. Charles E. Lathrop the home of her daughter, Mrs. E.

L. Bevan, at East Orange, N. She was the widow of Charles E. Lathrop, for many years one of the owners of the Carbondale Leader, and who died just A year no. Mrs.

Lathrop WAs eighty-seven years of age and born in Wilkes -Barre. She survived by sons, D. Lathrop, this William M. Lathrop, of Los Angeles. and her daughter, Mre.

E. L. Bevan, of East Orange. Burial will be made in this city, announcement later. Lost- War Department letter tween 7th and avenue last night, Andrew Farrell.

202 Dundaff street. Miner la Injured. Willis Stephens, of Powderly street, rope rider at Powderly colliery. was caught under an empty mine car this morning. He received injuries to the ankle and was removed to Emergency hospital.

To Help Soldiers, The Y. M. C. in this city has ranged to have Mr. Russell Jeffrey of Cortland street, but who is no Camp Dix, N.

awaiting his final discharge from the service, head department which la to be located In the Association rooms on North Main street, to look after the boys who are in need of some assistance. His duties will deal entirely with the helping of the boys of this vicinity who have done SHERIFF'S SALES MANY ATTEND. SCHOOL FETE Interpretative Dancing Features Great Event Given by Students. PITTSTON. May annual Nay Fete, of the members of the Pittston High school, members of the Junior, sub-junior and other classes in the high schoo! and also a umm members, which was conducted this evening in the gymnasium of the ligh school.

attracted a large numher. Over two hundred young ladies participated in the event. and it proved to be a social and financial success The grand march. which was led by Miss Gildea and Miss Schultz, was the leading feature of the evening CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH SONG FESTIVAL SUNDAY The annual singing festival of the Welsh Congregational churches of Wyoming Valley will be held in the Welsh Congregational church. on LaGrange street.

this city on Sunday. Rev. D. Parry Jones, pastor of the local church. announced this evening that Prof.

Harry Morgan will have charge of the singing. which will. begin at 2:30 o'clock. The evening singIng will begin at 6 o'clock. Among the selections that will be rendered by the large chorus will be the master.

piece of the late Dr. Joseph Perry. Auto Victim's Funeral. The funeral of George Young. of 171 Elizabeth street.

who died at the Pittston hospital early vesterday morning as the result of injuries sustained when run down by an auto on Monday, Saturday will be afternoon held at from 2:30 the o'clock. home Services will be in charge of Rev. D. Parry Jones. assisted by Rev D.

T. Snythe, of Avoca. Burial will be made in the Pittston cemetery. Town Welcomes All. The city hall is very tastefully dee.

orated for the home coming of Battery B. 109th' F. A. Michael Sullivan had charge of the decoration on the city hall and this evening it took on a regal appearance. In the center of the front of the building appears the words.

"Your Home Town Welcomes You." Tomorrow Mr. Sullivan will decorate the Niagara Fire headquarters. The large arch at the corner of Broad and Main street is almost completed with the frame work and plaster board work finished. The welcome home committee requests any one with an auto who can spare the use of it for Tuesday to notify City Clerk William McHugh. IRON FENCES for every purpose.

Send for catalog. Ross P. O. Box 44, Adv NEWS NOTES James Kearney, of 134 Lampman street. Avoca, was admitted to the P'ittston hospital this evening for treatment.

delphia avenue, West Pittston, enterMiss A Charlotte Hyndman, of Philatained at her home last evening. The interior of the home was tastefully decorated. Covers were laid for twenty. Miss Alice Houser. of Delaware avenue, West Pittston, was the guest of honor at a surprise birthday party held in her home last evening.

Covers were laid for twenty-five. Mrs. Martha Miller, of Franklin street, West Pittston, and Henry Darte, of Wyoming. were united in marriage last evening in the Methodist Episcopal parsonage at Dorranceton, by the Rev. T.

G. Dickinson, the pastor. Robert Poe, of the 58th U. S. Artillery, has been honorably discharged after spending one year in France with the A.

E. F. He is now at his home on Park street, West Pittston. their "bit" for Uncle Sam and who are wanting for some kindly help. In his position, Mr.

Jeffrey will make an effort to place them in positions, look after their back pays and insurance. Solomon Hollenback Dies, Solomon W. Hollenback, 66 years, yesterday at the home of his brother, John. 37 Maple avenue, after a lingering illness. Heart trouble is given as the cause.

Mr. Hollenback was born in Schultzville, Lackawanna county, and later removed to Denver where he remained until a short time ago when he came east. He is survived by three brothers, John. with whom he resided; Boyd, of Springfield, Ohio, and Arthur, of Mill city; also two sisters: Mrs. John Bidleman, of Factoryville, and Mrs.

F. S. Utley. of Carbondale. The funeral will be held at 1 p.

m. Sunday with services by Rev. Charles Lee, of the Presbyterian church. Interment in Shoemaker's cemetery. near Dalton.

Death of Thomas cliff. Thomas Cliff, aged 86 years. Thursday at the Carbondale farm. The body was removed home of his son. John, on Beech from place the funeral held at a time to be announced Students Dance.

The senior class of the high school WAS entertained last night by the sophom*ores at a dance in Burke's Millie by About Wynn's 73 couples Syncopated enjoyed six. the Shaker Shower Wednesday. On Wednesday evening. May 21. the members of Trinity Guild will conduct --OFVALUABLE REAL ESTATE -ONFRIDAY, JUNE 6, 1919 By virtue of sundry writs of Fiert Facias, Levari Facias and Ven.

issued out of Court of Common Please of Lackawanna County. to the directed. I outcry expose to to the public highest sale by vendue or' and best bidder. for cash, at the Court House in the City of Scranton, County of Lackawanna, and State of Pennsylvania, on Friday, the Sixth of June, A. 1919, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day.

all the right. title and Interest of the defendants in and to the following described lots, places or parcels of lands, viz. 7. The first thereof: The following described lot of- land situate in the city of Scranton, County of Lackawanna and state of Pennsylvania, the same being part of lots numbers 1 and 2 in block number 61 on the town plot of Scranton. Commencing at a ner 011 Mulberry street 66 feet from the front line of lot No.

1 measuring from Monroe avenue; thence running along said Mulberry street 24 feet and running back said width of 34 feet on lines parallel with Momne avenue 80 0feet to lot number 3: feet in width of the easterly side of said lot measuring from said Mulberry street -to said lot number 3 is herehy reserved by the parties of the Arst part which together with one foot. in width on the lot adjoining is propriated for an alley way, the same to be kept free and unobstructed for the free use of adjoining occupants. Ten feet in front of the front line ol said lots may be used for yard, vanit, porch, piazza, cellarway and bay window. but for no other purpose. leet to the same reservations and restrictions contained in deed forming chain of title.

Being the same property conveyed to the sald Linley J. by Bernhard Moses by his deed dated the 29th day of Augw 1910, and recorded in the office recording of deeds in and for county of Lackawanna In Deed Rook No. 247 at page 529. The second thereof: All the 'right, title and interest in and to that certain lot. piece or parcel of land situate in the 9th ward (now Seventeenth ward) of the city of Scranton.

colinty of Lackawanna and state of bounded and described as follows. to wit: Being part of lots numbered 1 and 2 In block numbered 61 on the Town I'lot of Scranton: commencing at a corner on Mulberry street 44 feet from the front line of lot numbered I. measuring from Monroe avenue: thence along. Mulberry street 32 feet and running buck said width on lines parallel with Monroe avenue 80 feet to lot numbered with porch and privileges, and suliject to reservations and restrictions in deeds forming chain of title. Being the same premises conveyed to Linley J.

Stonier by Emma Netticton. et. by deed dated the 20th das or August, 1910. and recorded in the office aforesaid in Deed Book No. 252.

page 537. The third thereof: All that certain lot. piece or parcel of land situnte in the city of Scranton. county of Lackawanna and state of Pennsyl. vania.

being rear portions of lots numbers 1. and 3 in block 61 upon the town plot of Scranton. intended to be duly registered and recorded. Said lot being bounded and described as follows. to wit: Beginning at the northeasterly intersection of Mulberry street and Hitchco*ck court: thence north along the westerly side Hitchco*ck court feet.

more or less. to a private alley seven feet wide: thence along Maid private alley seven feet wide: thence along said private alley in westerly direction 60 feet. more or less, to a corner: thence southerly on a line parallel with said Hitchco*ck court and 60 feet distant it 124 feet. more or less to the northerly line of Mulberry street; thence easterly along said Mulberry street 60 feet to the place of beginning. Coal and minerals reserved.

Being the same property conveyed Linley J. Stonier by two deeds. of George Wahl. administrator, dated December 2nd. 8913.

and recorded in county in Deed Book No. page and the other from Jacob Harris and wife by their deed dated April 1, 1914, and recorded In the office for recording deeds aforesan in Deed Book 267. page 380. The pieces above described as First and Second Pieces are all improved with an apartment house five stories high in front and four stories high in the rear. constructed of stucco, brick and frame.

The piece described above as Third Piece 14 improved with an apartment house four stories high, constructed of brick. stucco and frame. Seized and 'taken in execution at the suit of. the Anthracite Trust Company VA. Linley J.

Stonier, penal $12.000.00: sheriff to collect $6.000.00 with interest from ber 1, 1918, attorney's commission of $300.00 and costs. Judgment No. 258 June Term. 1919. Fi.

Fa. to June Term, 1919, writ is. sued May 16, 1919. BUNNELL. Attorney.

A11 of which will be sold for cash only. Sheriff's Office. Scranton, May 15, 1919. J. R.

SCHLAGER, Sheriff. Ave. ing new members were also awarded during the exercises, the winners being as follows: First, Elmer A. Dix. Carbondale; second, David J.

Jones. Taylor; Charles W. Pick, Blakely. The prizes, $15, $10 and $8 respectively were presented by State Secretary Hall at the conclusion of the program. Musical Selections.

Selections by the quartet of Col. T. D. Lewis council, No. 1015, of North Scranton, made up the musical program of the evening.

William Watkins, worth Price, Arthur Hobbs and Thomas Jones are members of the quartet, whose renditions evoked terrific applause. Willam Jones and William Viglione also rendered several solos, the former singing a selection of his own composition, while whistling numbers by Andrew R. Gwinn were A feature. Harry Madden, a member of the class, also favored with several vocal numbers. In addition to Chairman Jones, James G.

English, W. Ellis Daley, W. J. Henwood and William Watkins made up the committec which arranged for last night's meeting. The general executive committe directed the preparations for the affair.

CARBONDALE TO START ACTION FOR BETTER WATER Belmont Street Consumers Claim They Are Being Furnished With Impure Water. CARBONDALE, May action in to be started against the Scran. ton Water company by residente of the Belmont street section of the city. living north of the Clark avenue and south of the city line, within a short time company falls to supply them with cleaner water. meeting of the property owners has been called for one evening next week and at that time several restdents state that a petition will be signed by every resident living in that section which will be presented to the a Shaker shower in Trinity Parish house.

Each member is invited to bring a salt and pepper shaker for use in the parish house. A social time has been arranged for by the committee consisting of Mrs. Thomas Brown, Mrs. George Ludwig, Mrs. E.

C. Moon and Mrs. Fred Colwell. died poor to the street. will be later.

JUNIORS ADMIT 1,300 NEW MEMBERS INTO ORDER From Page Three) only tor true Americanism, without division. We members of the Junior Order. like all true Americans, must still be 011 guard. We hare in this country room for only one flag, and that is the Stars and Stripes. The red flag of the Bolshevik, the red flag of the Anarchist, whether he be the intellectual Bolshevik of the parlor type, or the bleary-eyed I.

W. that flag has no place in this country." he declared in concluding. We must pledge our allegiance to the principle of the dead who died for us loca! representative, asking that they be turnished with more pure water. The matter was reported to Sanitary Officer Daniel Jones a short time ago, it being alleged that water supplied a menace to health, interviewed this afternoon one resident stated: 'I have been furnished with dirty water from time to time during the past Afteen years; but it was not until about two weeks ago that the water became totally unfit for use. During the winter when the influenza was at Its height in the community, I was forced to carry water from an artesian well at the Empire Silk mill In Simpson, to my home, which is several blocks distance." None of the property owners now using the water which they are paying for at the same rate that other residents of the city are taxed for clear water and the 'old oaken bucket" 1s coming into its own 1D that section of the city and at gatherings around the public pump dally an organization known as the Beimont Pure Water club 1s being gradually formed.

Approximately $70,000 will be pended by the Scranton Gas and Water company In rebuilding the old Fallbrook reservoir on the west side of the city, it was announced yesterday. Durthe operations temporary dam A ATTENTION! Jr. O. U. A.

M. We have a complete assortment of Junior Order Emblems, Rings, Pins, Buttons, Etc. Come in and let us show you. Newman Jewelry Co. Formerly Bee Hive Jewelry Co.

111 WYOMING AVE. Next to Scranton Gas Company. SCRANTON, PA. MoRale Injured in Fall. James McHale, 86 years, well known umbrella mender, was seriously jured in a fall down a flight of stairs in a house at Childs, near Mayfield, at 9 o'clock last night.

He suffered tusions of the back. Picture of the 28th Division Parade Now Showing at Stre -Adv. OLUS the only COAT CUT UNION SUIT. A union of comfort and convenience Silk or Cotton GUARANTEED One Dollar and up CHAIN SHIRT SHIRT SHOPS design and Scranton's for the money Most Popular the Haberdashers.

The Tribune from Scranton, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

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Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.